Monday, November 09, 2009

USA Cares Announces Details of Fort Hood

Family Emergency Fund
Emergency fund will assist families with travel, housing and meals
Radcliff, KY—USA Cares has established the Fort Hood Family Emergency Fund in response to the tragic events that occurred last Thursday afternoon on the base of the Army’s largest installation. The fund, which serves to assist the immediate families of those wounded and killed, will provide for travel, housing and meals.

Bill Nelson, USA Cares Executive Director remarked, “Our goal is to ensure that victim’s family members do not have to worry about the financial hardships of travel at this time—we encourage them to visit our website for information on eligibility and benefits. Further, we ask Americans everywhere to go to and donate in light of this tragedy.”

Those needing assistance may contact Forest Bruner of USA Cares directly at 800.773.0387. Bruner, a 20-year US Army retiree, is fielding calls directly in lieu of the normal online application. Visit to donate to USA Care’s Fort Hood Family Emergency Fund.

About USA Cares
USA Cares is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that helps post 9/11 military families bear the burdens of service with financial and advocacy support. Its mission: To help with basic needs during financial crisis, to assist combat injured veterans and their families and to prevent private military home foreclosures and evictions. In six years, USA Cares has received over 19,000 requests and responded with more than $6 million in grants. US military families anywhere can apply for assistance through the USA Cares web site or by calling 800.773.0387. For more information on USA Cares contact John Revell or call 270.352.5451.

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