Thursday, September 10, 2009

Army Leads Services in August Recruiting

American Forces Press Service

Sept. 10, 2009 - August was another successful month for armed forces recruiting with all active duty components meeting or exceeding their monthly goals, Pentagon officials said here today. The Army blasted beyond its recruiting goal of 6,100 with 8,285 young men and women enlisting. The service reached 136 percent of goal for the month.

The Marine Corps also exceeded their goal reaching 110 percent. The Marines had 3,393 enlistees with an August goal of 3,073.

Navy and Air Force hit 100 percent of their recruiting goals with 3,289 young men and women enlisting to be sailors and 2,681 to be airmen.

The reserve components also did well, officials said, with all on track to make their fiscal 2009 numbers.

The Air Force Reserve enlisted 827 airmen and a goal of 167, making 495 percent.

The Army Reserve had 1,478 accessions with a goal of 1,208 for 122 percent, while the Navy Reserve enlisted 636 sailors for 100 percent of its goal.

The Army National Guard made 55 percent of its goal of 4,277, enlisting 2,337 soldiers. The Marine Corps Reserve has 433 accessions with a goal of 565 for 77 percent.

Finally, the Air National Guard enlisted 688 airmen and with a goal of 840 for 82 percent.

Reserve components balance enlistments with attrition. Generally, the retention rate in the reserve components has been high.

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