I must say I am most intrigued by the premise behind Quintin Tarantino's new movie, Inglorious Basterds. Briefly, a half dozen Jewish soldiers are dropped into German occupied France with orders to raise hell. Each man owes, as their commander, played by Brad Pitt says, '100 Nazi scalps.'
Being Jewish myself, I say-bravo, and more. Why stop at 100? Why 1,000, or 100,000?
As I write this my daughter is watch An American Tale, about a Jewish mouse and his family fleeing the Cossacks, in what I suppose is Polish Russia. This theme annoys me, and always has. Why flee? Instead of shouting 'aye Gawalt!' when the Cossacks come, why not instead run back to your house and get your rifle? Don't say Kaddish when your loved one is impaled upon a Cossack sword, kill the SOB who did it.
This is why I've always enjoyed the story of the hunting don and execution of the Palestinian terrorists behind the Munich Massacre. Revenge was an end unto itself. Steven Spielberg's inadequate movie on the subject was full of hand ringing and equivocation on the part of the protagonist. He brought justice to the fiends who murdered his countrymen, what is the problem?
Jewishness is one of my the themes of my novel, A Line Through the Desert. Sgt Jake Bloom is large, works with his hands, and indulges in bar fights. When the school thug called him a 'Kike' Jake just punched his lights out. He has no use for the ADL. Once his cousins wanted to play Fiddler on the Roof, but he wanted to play Raid on Entebbe. As he asks his girlfriend, 'Do all Jews have to be wimpy little fags?'
Will Stroock's Novel about Operation Desert Storm can be purchased at Amazon
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