Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Iraqi Forces Detain Five Terrorism Suspects

American Forces Press Service

Aug. 26, 2009 - Acting on warrants issued by Iraqi courts, Iraqi forces arrested five terrorism suspects in recent days, killing another who attacked them while they were serving one of the warrants. Iraqi special operations forces arrested a suspected terrorist wanted on a Ramadi Criminal Court warrant, plus two others who attacked them while they were serving the warrant, in the city of Khaladiyah in Iraq's Anbar province Aug. 24. Another of the attackers was killed.

The targeted suspect -- an Iraqi police officer -- is suspected of killing a senior Iraqi police officer, taking part in the recruiting of terrorists and providing a suicide vest for an attack against Iraqi civilians, officials said. During his arrest, the Iraqi special operations unit came under fire from multiple directions and responded with appropriate force, killing one attacker and wounding another. An Iraqi soldier also was wounded.

In Baghdad on Aug. 23, Iraqi special operations forces, along with U.S. forces advisors, arrested a suspected terrorist on a warrant issued by the Central Investigative Court of Karkh. The suspect was wanted for kidnapping, murder and attacking Iraqi security forces.
In Iraq's Ninevah province Aug. 22, Iraqi commandos, with U.S. forces advisors, arrested a suspected terrorist on a warrant issued by the Central Investigative Court of Kharakh for suspicion of attacks on Iraqi security forces and facilitating terrorist movement throughout the province.

(Compiled from Multinational Corps Iraq news releases.)

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