Thursday, August 06, 2009

All hail AC/DC...who are those Anvil Guys? Oh Canada?

In a previous post I said I'd start talking about heavy metal. Well, here it goes. Saw AC/DC last Friday at Giant's Stadium, third time this tour for me.

They play five songs off the new album (Runaway Train, Big Jack, War Machine, Black Ice, Anything Goes) the standards from the Brian Johnson era (the Back in Black songs, Thunderstruck, and For Those About to Rock), and a bunch of stuff from the old days, and usually a random song. Last Friday it was Shot Down in Flames.

There's really nothing I can say about them that hasn't already been said. They're awesome, that's it. Great songs, great show.

Interestingly, one of the opening acts was Anvil. This band has been getting a lot of PR lately due to the documentary made about them, chronicling their trials and tribulations. I really wanted to like them, I really did. They sounded, OK, I guess, if a bit dated, but their show sucked. Let me put it this way, I didn't even realize it was over, and I don't think anyone else in the audience did either. Most of the songs were off their first album, Metal on Metal, which I own. It was cut in 1982, so maybe maybe listening to it after 25 years of metal evolution biases one against the work. Its derivative of Black Sabbath (nothing wrong with that) but sounds raw and unthoughtout, almost immature. As I said, in 1982 it would sound better, but in 2009, Metal on Metal is a no go. I will be interested to see what their upcoming work is like.

These guys defiantly have something, but for some reason, they haven't found it. I hope they do.

Will Stroock's Novel about Operation Desert Storm can be purchased at Amazon

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