Friday, August 07, 2009

Geren to Remain as Senate Delays Successor's Confirmation

American Forces Press Service

Aug. 7, 2009 - The Senate adjourned without voting to confirm New York Rep. John M. McHugh as Army secretary, but Pete Geren will remain on the job until formally replaced, Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said today. It will be at least a month before a vote can be held.

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates "is deeply disappointed" that the Senate delayed the confirmation of the Army secretary and undersecretary, Morrell said.

In the meantime, Geren will continue to serve as Army secretary. "It's too important a job to be left vacant or manned in an acting capacity while we've got tens of thousands of soldiers in combat," Morrell said.

President Barack Obama announced the nomination of McHugh, a Republican representative from upstate New York, on June 2. His district in New York includes Fort Drum, and he has served on the House Armed Services Committee. The Senate Armed Services Committee held confirmation hearings July 30.

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