Thursday, June 04, 2009

Obama in the Right Place

President Obama spoke in Cairo today.

The military history of Egypt since WWII illustrates everything wrong with the Muslim world today. Over the course of the Cold War, Egypt received billions in Soviet hardware, from small arms to tanks to cutting edge radars. During the 50's and 60's thousands of Soviet advisers helped train the Egyptian army.

In is masterpiece on the subject, Kenneth Pollack detailed Egypt's colossal military failures, not only against Israel, but also in Yemen, where that country was involved in an eight year insurgency. Historian Michael Oren points out that the Vietnam war could easily be called 'America's Yemen'. The Egyptians also failed to live up to their potential in Operation Desert Storm. Two Egyptian divisions fought with American forces. Their officers lacked initiative, insisted in deploying the entire division to attack minor Iraqi positions, and in one case, would not advance without a direct order from President Mubarak.

In his own book, 'The Crossing of the Suez', General Saad el Shazli descibes how the operation was meticulously planned down to the minute, and brilliantly executed. Several divisions were put on the east bank of the canal within 12 hours, and the ensuing counterattack saw the destruction of three Israeli armored brigades. However, after the initial success the Egyptian operation lacked purpose and Egyptian commanders were unable to adapt to Israeli tactical changes. Seeking to take pressure off Syria, whose own offensive had floundered, President Sadat ordered a thrust deep into the Sinai. Israel armor and air power chopped Egyptian armored units to bits. Israel forces, led by the great Arial Sharon, crossed the Suez, and at the Battle of the Chinese Farm, utterly destroyed what remained of the Egyptian army.

The flaws of the army seem to be replicated in the rest of Egyptian society.

Egypt's is a corrupt government, a nation stagnated by judenhaus on one end, and the failed ideology of Arab-Marxism on the other. Any election would no doubt put the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood to office. With no other option the United States supports the cleptocracy of Hosni Mubarak. We also supported the Shah of Iran.

For more about Will, visit His novel, 'A Line Through the Desert' can be purchased here.

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