Friday, June 19, 2009

Nork Missile

North Korea has threatened to launch a nuclear capable missile at Hawaii. There are all kinds of ways for the US to shoot it down; an Air Born Laser over Korea, an Aegis destroyer in the Sea of Japanese, an Anti Ballistic Missile out of Ft. Greely, a Theater Area Defense Missile in Hawaii. The North Korean ICBM will get nowhere near the 50th state.

That's not the point. Threatening to shoot an ICBM at a state (or territory for that matter) is an act of war, or it should be, anyway. How much of this is the Obama Administration willing to take?
If the Nork threat to fire a missile at Hawaii isn't ample justification for the United States to destroy said missile on the launch pad, I don't know what is.
For more about Will, visit His novel, 'A Line Through the Desert' can be purchased here.

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