Thursday, May 14, 2009

22nd Security Policy Initiative Held

The U.S. Department of Defense and the Republic of Korea (ROK) Ministry of National Defense held the 22nd Security Policy Initiative (SPI) today in Washington, D.C.

The U.S. delegation was led by Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia Michael Schiffer and the ROK delegation was led by Deputy Minister for Policy Lt. Gen. Kim, Sang Ki.

During the 22nd SPI, the two sides discussed a range of U.S.-ROK Alliance issues in a continuing effort to strengthen the bilateral defense relationship and ensure the solidarity of the combined defense posture.

The two sides discussed the close US-ROK coordination related to North Korea's long-range rocket launch and agreed to continue such coordination. Also, both sides reviewed current U.S.-ROK Alliance issues, including the USFK base relocation plans and future implementation of those plans.

The SPI is a policy-level U.S.-ROK dialogue held every two to three months, alternating in venue between Washington, D.C., and Seoul. It is a consultative mechanism used to strengthen the future vision of the U.S.-ROK Alliance and to discuss ways to develop defense policy to cope with the changing security environment.

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