Monday, February 16, 2009

SemperComm Foundation Cancels 2009 GalaNominations still sought for SemperComm Award

SPRINGFIELD, Va., February 16, 2009 – The SemperComm Foundation canceled their annual gala scheduled for May 7, 2009 today, citing anticipated shortfalls in event sponsorship. The foundation also announced that the 2009 SemperComm Awards will still be awarded and military nominations are still being accepted.

The foundation’s decision to cancel the Gala is based on the current economic outlook as well as the forecast for low sponsorships. The SemperComm Gala is an annual event that began in 2004 as the primary fundraising event to support their mission of helping to provide remote, overseas U.S. military bases with much needed communications and entertainment equipment to boost morale of the service members stationed at those locations around the world.

“In lieu of holding a large Gala this year to raise support and funds, Sempercomm will focus its efforts in 2009 on smaller outreach and fundraising initiatives,” said Lara Coffee, SemperComm Foundation executive director. “While the SemperComm Gala has always been a tremendous success and a capstone event to honor all our contributors and the working military, the current environment calls for a change. Our values and dedication to our mission is unwavering and we will persevere.”

One of the highlights of the SemperComm Gala is the ceremony to honor selected servicemen and women for the SemperComm Award. The award is given annually for military members’ personal efforts to boost the morale of fellow service members during deployments to remote overseas locations. “The SemperComm Award is our way of recognizing service members each year who go out of their way to improve morale for those who serve with them,” said Coffee. “Although, the Gala is canceled this year, our award program will continue uninterrupted to honor and recognize worthy nominees.”

The deadline for entries is Friday, March 6, 2009. Awards will be shipped directly to the winners or they may choose to receive their award in person at a still to be announced 2009-2010 SemperComm event.

Nomination forms are available to be downloaded at For more information about the SemperComm Award, please contact Joanne Williams at 703-923-7615 or by email at

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