Sunday, December 28, 2008

Military Books is pleased to announce the addition of these servicemembers to the website:

Colonel Bruce K. Meyers, USMC (ret.)
Colonel Raff Rafferty, USA (ret.)
Colonel Donald H. Goede, USA (ret.)
Captain Arthur Clark Bivens, USN (ret.)
Lt. Colonel John K. Rieth, USA (ret.)
Lt. Colonel Clarence R. Meltesen, USA (ret.)
Lt. Colonel Brian Birdwell, USA (ret.)
Major Lee Basnar, USA (ret.)
Major Lewis Allen Lambert, USAF (ret.)
Major Jim Stroup, USMC (ret.)
Captain Robert Timberg, USMC (ret.)
Captain Harold Wade, USAF (ret.)

The Website now lists 699 servicemembers and their 2328 books.

Military Books

This information was sponsored by
Criminal Justice Books information online.

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