Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Military Books

Military-Writers.com is pleased to announce the addition of these servicemembers to the website:

General Merrill B. Twining, USMC (ret.)
Colonel George S. Oliver, USA (ret.)
Captain George P. Santos, USN (ret.)
Captain Allan P. Slaff, USN (ret.)
Colonel Richard Taylor, USA (ret.)
Lt. Colonel Leigh M. Trowbridge, USA (ret.)
Lt. Colonel Fredrick D. Sundloff, USAF (ret.)
Lt. Colonel Robert M. Boyles, II, USA (ret.)
Lt. Colonel Norman J. Fortier, USAF (ret.)
Lt. Colonel Troy Thompson, Jr., USAF (ret.)
First Lieutenant Morris Cohen, USA (ret.)
Mark Mynheir, USMC

The Website now lists 643 servicemembers and their 2196 books.

Military Books

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