Sunday, November 09, 2008

DoD Names Two Additional National Security Science And Engineering Fellows

The Department of Defense today announced two additional National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellows (NSSEFF), bringing the total number of distinguished scientists and engineers in the inaugural round of this prestigious program to eight.

Professor Constance Chang-Hasnain, University of California, Berkeley, and Professor Margaret Murnane, University of Colorado at Boulder, join the other notable university faculty announced by the DoD in June 2008. "Every NSSEFF award--up to $3 million in total direct research support for up to five years--provides DoD with top-tier researchers from U.S. universities, each conducting long-term, unclassified, basic research on challenging technical problems of strategic national security importance," said William Rees, Jr., deputy under secretary of defense for laboratories and basic sciences. "It also affords significant opportunities for Fellows to contribute to research programs within the DoD laboratories."

Selected from over 350 applicants to the fiscal 08 round, the eight researchers from the first NSSEFF competition "are expected to make considerable discoveries in the core science and engineering disciplines underpinning the
technology of future DoD systems," said Rees. Rees also noted that the fiscal 09 NSSEFF competition is well underway and that selectees are anticipated to be announced by year's end.

Additional information on the NSSEFF is available online at

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