Tuesday, June 10, 2008

DoD Awards Grants To Minority Institutions

The Department of Defense announced today plans to award 21 grants totaling $14.1 million to 17 minority institutions as part of the fiscal 2008 DoD Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions Infrastructure Support Program.

The grants will enhance education programs and research capabilities at the recipient institutions in scientific disciplines critical to national
security and the DoD.

This announcement is the result of competition for infrastructure-support funding conducted for the office of Defense Research and Engineering by the
Army Research Office and the Air Force office of Scientific Research. The fiscal 2008 program solicitation received 73 proposals in response to a broad agency announcement issued in November 2007.

Research grants ranging from $430,000 to $785,000 will have a performance period of 36 months. Grants will be made by the
Army Research Office.

All awards are subject to the successful completion of negotiations between DoD and the academic institutions.

The list of recipients for fiscal year 2008 funding can be found on the Web at: http://preview.defenselink.mil/news/hbcu.pdf .

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