Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Commissaries Pull Some Tomatoes From Shelves

American Forces Press Service

June 10, 2008 - Defense Commissary Agency officials have pulled some kinds of tomatoes off the shelves of
military commissary stores -- except those in Europe -- after the Food and Drug Administration issued a warning that a recent salmonella outbreak has been linked to consumption of certain raw red tomatoes. Commissaries outside Europe have stopped selling raw red plum, Roma, or round red tomatoes unless they originate from an "approved area," according to a notice posted on the agency's Web site. Approved areas are those not implicated in the recent Salmonella "serotype Saintpaul" outbreak, the notice said.

No sales restrictions have been placed on cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, or tomatoes sold with the vine still attached. According to the FDA, those types are not likely to be the source of the outbreak.

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