Saturday, May 03, 2008

Guard Stands By to Help Storm-Lashed Missouri Residents

American Forces Press Service

May 2, 2008 - National Guard troops are standing by to assist storm-lashed
Kansas City, Mo., residents, a Missouri National Guard official said today. "The Missouri National Guard is prepared and ready to support the citizens of Missouri when called," Army Capt. Tamara Spicer, public affairs officer for the Missouri National Guard, said in a statement.

Up to 80 mph winds, rain and hail reportedly pelted areas north of
Kansas City last night and early today. The storm uprooted trees, damaged homes and businesses and caused an areawide power outage. There have been no reports of fatalities, but several people were injured.

Parts of Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas also experienced damage from heavy winds, hail and rain, according to news reports, and the storm system continues to move eastward across the nation's midsection today.

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