Monday, February 11, 2008

Active-Duty Recruiting Marks Eighth Straight Successful Month

American Forces Press Service

Feb. 11, 2008 - All four services met or exceeded their active-duty recruiting goals for January, defense officials announced today. The January recruiting numbers represented the eighth consecutive month of across-the-board active-duty recruiting successes among the services, officials said.

Army recruited 8,693 active-duty soldiers, 101 percent of its goal, in January. This came as welcome news to Army officials, who had feared that the delayed passage of the fiscal 2008 National Defense Authorization Act could hurt positive recruiting momentum. The legislation, which passed into law Jan. 28, includes authorities for a variety of special and incentive pays, including enlistment and re-enlistment bonuses that recruiters count on to attract new recruits. Congress made all the entitlements retroactive to Jan. 1.

Army National Guard bested its January recruiting goal by 3 percent, signing on 5,688 soldiers. The Army Reserve fell slightly short of its goal, at 96 percent, with 3,257 new recruits.

Marine Corps topped its January active-duty recruitment goal by 11 percent, bringing 3,056 new Marines into the force. The Marine Corps Reserve met its goal of 875 new recruits.

Navy met its January goals for both active-duty and Navy Reserve recruits. It signed on 3,056 active-duty sailors and 951 Navy Reservists.

Air Force exceeded its active-duty recruiting goal for January by 3 percent, with 2,016 new airmen joining the force. The Air Force Reserve met its goal of 569 new members, and the Air National Guard met 97 percent of its January goal, recruiting 654 airmen.

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