American Forces Press Service
Dec. 21, 2007 - In his annual holiday message, President Bush thanked servicemembers and their families for their sacrifices. "Our nation is thankful for the many sacrifices you and your families make every day. During the holidays and throughout the coming year, we ask the Almighty to bestow His protection and care on you and your loved ones. We pray for your safety and for liberty, justice, and peace on Earth," Bush's message, released today, reads.
He also said the nation owes servicemembers and their families a debt of gratitude for their service.
"In this season of giving, we remember our duty to others, and we see that sense of duty fulfilled in the men and women who wear our nation's uniform. Our country owes you a debt of gratitude for your courage and resolve to serve the cause of peace," Bush said. "Americans are proud of your dedicated service, and I am proud to be the commander in chief of the greatest force for freedom in the history of the world."
The president spent part of yesterday visiting troops at Walter Reed Army Medical Center here. He visited injured soldiers in their wards, passing along his well wishes and presenting some with Purple Heart Medals. He said this month has the lowest number of patients admitted since 2002.
"Every time I come to a facility like this, I count my blessings, and one of the great blessings is to be the president of a country that produces such brave men and women," Bush said during his visit.
On Dec. 19, the president also visited servicemembers at the National Naval Medical Center, in Bethesda, Md.
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