Thursday, December 20, 2007

Kid Rock on Entertaining Troops

Dec. 20, 2007 -- Kid Rock is devoted to entertaining American troops as part of the USO. The Detroit-based singer makes an immediate connection to American servicemembers. When he sings, the young servicemen and women sing along with "Cowboy," "Sweet Home Alabama" and many other anthemic hits.

Rock said the question is not why he does it, "but how can you not?"

He said that every second with the troops is overwhelming. "They give their best every day, ... and we absolutely must give them our best," he said.

Being with the troops puts life in perspective, the rocker said, adding that he is proud of what the servicemembers do and wants to pay them back for their sacrifices. "The whole experience has been incredible," he said. "I'll do it to the day I die, so long as I am needed."

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