Monday, September 10, 2007

Verbal Judo Way of Leadership

The Verbal Judo Institute is pleased to announce that the latest book written by Dr. George "Rhino" Thompson, “The Verbal Judo Way of Leadership—Empowering the Thin Blue Line from the Inside Up," is now available!

For many years Dr. Thompson has sought to present the Verbal Judo philosophy on leadership in written form. "The Verbal Judo Way of
Leadership" is a unique co-authorship between George Thompson, founder and president of The Verbal Judo Institute and VJ instructor/retired "Green Beret" Greg Walker.

This book features exclusive new material on the art of
Tactical Communications and the elusive art of superior leadership. Dr. Thompson and Greg Walker combine their diverse professional backgrounds with their shared vision of Verbal Judo concepts to help Peace Officers achieve excellence as law enforcement supervisors, managers, administrators, and beyond. Drawing from Dr. Thompson's street and courtroom proven Verbal Judo philosophy and his co-author's dual careers as an Army Special Forces combat leader and civilian peace officer "The Verbal Judo Way of Leadership –Empowering the Thin Blue Line from the Inside Up" is MUST reading for the 21st Century law enforcement officer, First Responder, and military man or woman intent on achieving true success as a leader in his or her chosen profession.

For additional information, please review the attached Verbal Judo Merchandise Catalog or visit our

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