Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Bush Visits Wounded at Walter Reed, Praises Hospital Staff

By John Valceanu
American Forces Press Service

July 3, 2007 – President Bush visited wounded servicemembers at Walter Reed
Army Medical Center here today, and he praised the center's personnel for their work. "It's a true honor to come to Walter Reed to be able to see the docs and nurses, the physical therapists who are working with our wounded soldiers," Bush said. "The care here is remarkable."

The president acknowledged that there have been some problems for wounded troops receiving care at Walter Reed, but those problems are being addressed and the medical center is providing excellent care.

"There (have) been some bureaucratic red-tape issues in the past that the
military is working hard to cure," Bush said. "But when it comes time to healing broken bodies, this is a fabulous place."

Bush said his visit to the troops reinforced his admiration for America's men and women in uniform.

"I am constantly amazed at the character and courage of those who wear our uniform," he said. "And that's no more vividly displayed than here in this place of healing."

The commander-in-chief expressed his gratitude to all those who serve under him in the various branches of the

"I want to thank our soldiers, sailors and Marines, airmen, Coast Guardsmen ... for their service to the country, and I thank their families," he said. "As we head into the 4th of July, we're a fortunate nation to have people who are willing to volunteer in the face of danger to help secure this country in the long run."

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