Friday, March 09, 2007

Cops, Careers and Crime

Editors Note: One of the authors is World War II Navy Veteran., a website dedicated to listing state and local
police officers who have authored books added three police officers who have written book.

Joseph Kaiser, a Suffolk County Police Department police officer wrote The Adventures of Sergeant Otto Wolfgang Snickerhaden. The book is his story of his career. According to the book cover description, “I doubt that in today's society, I could have done what I did then and gotten away with it. But things were very different some thirty or forty years ago. When a cop had a problem in his sector, he took care of it the best way he could. In many ways it was like the old west at the end of the last century. The sheriff or town marshal was hired to control the lawless and few cared how he did it. Similarly, in the early days of the Suffolk County Police Department, a police officer had pretty much a free hand when doing his job as long as he did it without hurting anyone.”

Anthony Zeoli is a retired Lieutenant with the New York Port Authority Police Department. He served the majority of his career assigned to the Bus Terminal Command in New York City. He is a graduate of John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the Police Command College at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. 625 8th Avenue is the address of the New York Port Authority Bus Terminal and the title of Anthony Zeoli’s first fiction novel. His book is a about the investigation into a “bizarre sex murder in the New York Port Authority Bus Terminal.” According to the back cover of his book, “Take some NYPD Blue, a little Hill Street Blues and a heavy dash of Barney Miller. This creates the only story ever written about one of New York’s most notorious landmarks and microcosms of urban American.”

Arnold M. Pine is a veteran of twenty years on the New York Police Department where he served as a very active "street cop". His experience with the criminal element on the street and in the department itself, enabled him to create memorable characters in thrilling situations. Arnold Pine attended Brooklyn College before and after his two year stint in the Navy during World War II. He lettered in Wrestling, which prepared him for the battles he encountered on the streets of New York City. Upon retirement from the Department, Mr Pine spent many years as the CEO of a water engineering business, before he engaged in writing as a full-time endeavor. His book is Cop on the Run. now hosts 380
police officers (representing 159 police departments) and their 829 books in six categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.

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