By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service
April 21, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates established a new task force last week to ensure the Defense Department is doing everything possible to provide intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) assets to support warfighters, he announced today. Gates told officers at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., he created the task force to give the ISR issue the same level emphasis that another task force he established has put on mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicles.
"My concern is that our services are still not moving aggressively in wartime to provide resources needed now on the battlefield," the secretary said during a speech to Air War College students. "While we have doubled this capability in recent months, it is still not good enough."
Gates expressed frustration at the pace of progress, slowed by people "stuck in old ways of doing business" who make instituting change "like pulling teeth."
The new task force will move the intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance issue to the front burner as it explores "more innovative and bold ways to help those whose lives are on the line," he said.
Getting more ISR support to deployed forces "may require rethinking long-standing service assumptions and priorities about which missions require certified pilots and which do not," Gates said.
"For those missions that still require manned missions, we need to think hard about whether we have the right platforms," he said. Particularly in environments where the United States and its partners have total control of the skies, "low-cost, low-tech alternatives" may provide the basic reconnaissance and close-air support needed, he said.
Gates recalled the introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles in the 1990s, when he was director of central intelligence. "The introduction of UAVs around this time meant far less risk and far more versatile means of gathering data, and other nations like Israel set about using them," he said. "In 1992, however, the Air Force would not co-fund with CIA a vehicle without a pilot."
As he called today for out-of-the-box thinking about how the military can operate in the most sensible, affordable way, Gates said it's time to recognize the role unmanned aerial vehicles play in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions -- and how much more they can contribute.
"Unmanned systems cost much less and offer greater loiter time than their manned counterparts, making them ideal for many of today's tasks," he said.
He noted a 25-fold increase since 2001, with 5,000 now in the military inventory. "But in my view, we can do -- and we should do -- more to meet the needs of men and women fighting in the current conflicts while their outcome may still be in doubt."
Brad Berkson, director of program, analysis and evaluation, will chair the new task force and provide regular updates to Gates beginning early next month, said Bryan Whitman, deputy assistant secretary of defense for public affairs.
Other task force members include representatives of the undersecretary of defense for intelligence, the Joint Staff, the military services, the comptroller, and other Defense Department components.
Providing up-to-date information, news and original content on American Military issues.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
First Recruits Enlist Using Biometric Technology
By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service
April 18, 2008 - When 20 recruits gathered yesterday at the Baltimore Military Entrance Processing Station to sign their enlistment contracts, none needed a pen. Instead, they read their contracts on a computer screen, then pressed their index fingers onto an electronic pad next to it, becoming the first servicemembers to enlist using biometric technology.
Army Lt. Col. Robert S. Larsen, the station commander, swore in the recruits on Fort Meade, Md. This marked a big step in the U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command's transition to paperless enlistment recordkeeping, said Ted Daniels chief of the command's accessions division.
Nineteen-year-old Krista Hearne of Salisbury, Md., became the first recruit to sign her enlistment contract biometrically before taking her oath of enlistment to join the Army. Eighteen-year-old Chance Muller of Sharpsburg, Md., followed, becoming the first male to use biometrics as he enlisted in the Marine Corps.
After swearing them into the military, Larson used his own index fingerprint to biometrically sign their contracts. When the process was completed, the new servicemembers received print-outs of their enlistment contracts, which included a facial photo and the fingerprint. No other paper was required for a process that once required multiple signatures and took reams of paper.
"The process starts off without paper and it ends up without paper," said Daniels. "But we do print out one copy, for the individual."
Many of the enlisting troops had seen biometrics technology used on television and thought it "pretty neat" to learn that they were to be the first enlistees to use it, Daniels said. "We told them what we were doing was revolutionary, that this was the first time it was being down within the Department of Defense," he said. "They came through here and said, 'This is pretty neat, man.'"
Biometrics is becoming increasingly widespread in society. Some supermarkets used them at the checkout counter. Even Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla., takes biometric measurements from guests' fingers to ensure the same person uses a ticket from day to day.
Daniels said biometrics will offer MEPCOM broad advantages, improving security, reducing redundancy and dollar costs and saving the command an estimated 70 million sheets of paper a year.
Last year alone, the command administered 510,000 enlistment Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery tests and 348,000 physical examinations to recruit 266,000 new soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen.
Now using biometric technology, MEPS officials will capture each applicant's biometric print at first contact. That information will be used to verify the applicant's identity and track progress throughout the qualification process: from aptitude testing to medical screening to background check to contract signing to shipping off for boot camp or basic training.
Biometric information captured at enlistment will become part of the servicemembers' permanent personnel records. Ultimately it will follow them throughout their military careers, providing concrete verification of their identity.
Because biometrics are unique to every individual and can't be forged, they add security protections just not possible with traditional "wet" signatures, Daniels explained.
"What we want to do is make sure whoever is next to you in the foxhole is exactly who they are supposed to be," he said.
Meanwhile, biometrics is expected to provide faster, less redundant personnel processes, he said. As it becomes widespread throughout the department and services, it will help short-cut procedures required for everything from getting a common access card to signing up for Tricare benefits through the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System.
"There will be no need to start from scratch each time," Daniels said.
American Forces Press Service
April 18, 2008 - When 20 recruits gathered yesterday at the Baltimore Military Entrance Processing Station to sign their enlistment contracts, none needed a pen. Instead, they read their contracts on a computer screen, then pressed their index fingers onto an electronic pad next to it, becoming the first servicemembers to enlist using biometric technology.
Army Lt. Col. Robert S. Larsen, the station commander, swore in the recruits on Fort Meade, Md. This marked a big step in the U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command's transition to paperless enlistment recordkeeping, said Ted Daniels chief of the command's accessions division.
Nineteen-year-old Krista Hearne of Salisbury, Md., became the first recruit to sign her enlistment contract biometrically before taking her oath of enlistment to join the Army. Eighteen-year-old Chance Muller of Sharpsburg, Md., followed, becoming the first male to use biometrics as he enlisted in the Marine Corps.
After swearing them into the military, Larson used his own index fingerprint to biometrically sign their contracts. When the process was completed, the new servicemembers received print-outs of their enlistment contracts, which included a facial photo and the fingerprint. No other paper was required for a process that once required multiple signatures and took reams of paper.
"The process starts off without paper and it ends up without paper," said Daniels. "But we do print out one copy, for the individual."
Many of the enlisting troops had seen biometrics technology used on television and thought it "pretty neat" to learn that they were to be the first enlistees to use it, Daniels said. "We told them what we were doing was revolutionary, that this was the first time it was being down within the Department of Defense," he said. "They came through here and said, 'This is pretty neat, man.'"
Biometrics is becoming increasingly widespread in society. Some supermarkets used them at the checkout counter. Even Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla., takes biometric measurements from guests' fingers to ensure the same person uses a ticket from day to day.
Daniels said biometrics will offer MEPCOM broad advantages, improving security, reducing redundancy and dollar costs and saving the command an estimated 70 million sheets of paper a year.
Last year alone, the command administered 510,000 enlistment Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery tests and 348,000 physical examinations to recruit 266,000 new soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen.
Now using biometric technology, MEPS officials will capture each applicant's biometric print at first contact. That information will be used to verify the applicant's identity and track progress throughout the qualification process: from aptitude testing to medical screening to background check to contract signing to shipping off for boot camp or basic training.
Biometric information captured at enlistment will become part of the servicemembers' permanent personnel records. Ultimately it will follow them throughout their military careers, providing concrete verification of their identity.
Because biometrics are unique to every individual and can't be forged, they add security protections just not possible with traditional "wet" signatures, Daniels explained.
"What we want to do is make sure whoever is next to you in the foxhole is exactly who they are supposed to be," he said.
Meanwhile, biometrics is expected to provide faster, less redundant personnel processes, he said. As it becomes widespread throughout the department and services, it will help short-cut procedures required for everything from getting a common access card to signing up for Tricare benefits through the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System.
"There will be no need to start from scratch each time," Daniels said.
America Supports You: Organization Hires Heroes
By Jamie Findlater
Special to American Forces Press Service
April 18, 2008 - Returning from combat in Iraq or Afghanistan with a disability certainly brings with it a number of challenges, but for one soldier, a great aid to his successful recovery was the easy transition he made into the civilian job market. Justin Callahan enlisted in the U.S Army as a combat engineer when he was 18. When he was 21, he deployed to Afghanistan, where he led a squad of 8 men squad leader. During a routine patrol, Justin was hit by an IED and suffered a left leg amputation below the knee.
During his recovery at Walter Reed Army Medical Center here, Justin was approached by Bayne Tippins, a businessman who offered him a job as soon as his health returned.
Callahan inspired Tippins to found Hire Heroes USA, an non-profit organization dedicated to helping disabled veterans to find the right fit in the civilian job market. Hire Heroes USA is a member of America Supports You, a Defense Department program that connects individuals, non-profit groups and companies who want to support U.S. military men and women.
"Hire Heroes USA was designed to give other wounded servicemembers like myself the opportunity that I was fortunate to have right out of the hospital," Callahan said during an interview on America Supports You Live BlogTalkRadio. He and Tippins discussed the organization's success during the interview.
Callahan explained that the biggest challenge for many wounded warriors is getting their confidence reestablished after a tragic event.
"It's really to pick them up and point them in the right direction, helping them to re-establish the confidence they've lost going through something traumatic...and the direction to move forward," he said.
Part of re-establishing this confidence is understanding how the skills developed in the military apply to the civilian job market. One skill, Callahan mentioned, is leadership.
"A non-commissioned officer is responsible for 6 to 8 soldiers operating under very stressful situations...they are taught the hard things by the military."
Callahan talked about his day-to-day experience working with countless organizations that see great value in employing those with military experience. Employers notice military experience and benefit from an incredibly motivated group of individuals, Callahan explained.
"These men and women are so motivated to get into a good job that has a steady salary where they have the opportunity to advance."
Now the challenge for Callahan and Tippins is reaching out to the many veterans who might need assistance and do not realize how to best market their skills to a new audience. Callahan explained that the organization places everyone from sales reps to IT professionals, and from security personnel to project managers.
"A lot of servicemembers don't know what's out there. They are used to doing a certain job in the military, and when they get in the civilian world they do not always know how to apply and transfer the skills they have learned making them noticeable to employers," Callahan said.
One example of many such skills is the ability to handle logistics, Tippins said.
"Getting men and troops and supplies from point A to point B is an incredibly transferable skill," he said.
Tippins also said learning new skills easily is a common attribute of veterans.
"They are extremely trainable," he said. "The acquisition of the new skills within a new position comes easily because of their experience in the military."
Tippins explained that the mission Hire Heroes USA is to reach out to candidates, identify their strong qualities and let them know that there are jobs available for them.
"Some servicemembers just need to understand that company XYZ has a need for you.... Hire Heroes USA is designed to be a bridge to get out in front of organizations that are anxious to hire them," Tippins said. "We want to help them adjust to becoming a great member of society that they have already defended so bravely."
Special to American Forces Press Service
April 18, 2008 - Returning from combat in Iraq or Afghanistan with a disability certainly brings with it a number of challenges, but for one soldier, a great aid to his successful recovery was the easy transition he made into the civilian job market. Justin Callahan enlisted in the U.S Army as a combat engineer when he was 18. When he was 21, he deployed to Afghanistan, where he led a squad of 8 men squad leader. During a routine patrol, Justin was hit by an IED and suffered a left leg amputation below the knee.
During his recovery at Walter Reed Army Medical Center here, Justin was approached by Bayne Tippins, a businessman who offered him a job as soon as his health returned.
Callahan inspired Tippins to found Hire Heroes USA, an non-profit organization dedicated to helping disabled veterans to find the right fit in the civilian job market. Hire Heroes USA is a member of America Supports You, a Defense Department program that connects individuals, non-profit groups and companies who want to support U.S. military men and women.
"Hire Heroes USA was designed to give other wounded servicemembers like myself the opportunity that I was fortunate to have right out of the hospital," Callahan said during an interview on America Supports You Live BlogTalkRadio. He and Tippins discussed the organization's success during the interview.
Callahan explained that the biggest challenge for many wounded warriors is getting their confidence reestablished after a tragic event.
"It's really to pick them up and point them in the right direction, helping them to re-establish the confidence they've lost going through something traumatic...and the direction to move forward," he said.
Part of re-establishing this confidence is understanding how the skills developed in the military apply to the civilian job market. One skill, Callahan mentioned, is leadership.
"A non-commissioned officer is responsible for 6 to 8 soldiers operating under very stressful situations...they are taught the hard things by the military."
Callahan talked about his day-to-day experience working with countless organizations that see great value in employing those with military experience. Employers notice military experience and benefit from an incredibly motivated group of individuals, Callahan explained.
"These men and women are so motivated to get into a good job that has a steady salary where they have the opportunity to advance."
Now the challenge for Callahan and Tippins is reaching out to the many veterans who might need assistance and do not realize how to best market their skills to a new audience. Callahan explained that the organization places everyone from sales reps to IT professionals, and from security personnel to project managers.
"A lot of servicemembers don't know what's out there. They are used to doing a certain job in the military, and when they get in the civilian world they do not always know how to apply and transfer the skills they have learned making them noticeable to employers," Callahan said.
One example of many such skills is the ability to handle logistics, Tippins said.
"Getting men and troops and supplies from point A to point B is an incredibly transferable skill," he said.
Tippins also said learning new skills easily is a common attribute of veterans.
"They are extremely trainable," he said. "The acquisition of the new skills within a new position comes easily because of their experience in the military."
Tippins explained that the mission Hire Heroes USA is to reach out to candidates, identify their strong qualities and let them know that there are jobs available for them.
"Some servicemembers just need to understand that company XYZ has a need for you.... Hire Heroes USA is designed to be a bridge to get out in front of organizations that are anxious to hire them," Tippins said. "We want to help them adjust to becoming a great member of society that they have already defended so bravely."
Face of Defense: Physical Therapist Shares Story With College Students
By Army Capt. Constance Quinlan
Special to American Forces Press Service
April 18, 2008 - Army Capt. Chris Remillard took hometown recruiting to a whole new level when he gave a live guest lecture to students at Ithaca College in New York, from this base in Iraq. Remillard, a 2004 Ithaca College alumnus, spoke to the students April 2 and shared his experiences serving in the Army. He is a physical therapist assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division's Company C, 703rd Brigade Support Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team.
A month before his guest lecture, Remillard received an invitation from a former Vietnam-era Army physical therapist, Dr. Michael Pagliarulo, chair of the Ithaca College Physical Therapy Department. Pagliarulo asked the 2004 graduate to speak to his class about the unique opportunities afforded physical therapists in the Army.
"A civilian PT can't order things like X-Rays, bone scans, MRIs. He has to send patients back to a primary care doctor. Not only can I order tests, I can prescribe medicine and refer soldiers to other specialists," said Remillard, a native of Syracuse, N.Y. "It's really designed to expedite the process for soldiers, especially in this type of environment."
Remillard was commissioned into the Medical Service Corps through the Cornell University Reserve Officer Training Corps program in 2004 with a degree in physical therapy from Ithaca College.
Several students expressed interest in joining the ROTC after the hour-long question and answer session, attended by roughly 40 students and faculty members.
Remillard has already made plans to conduct another session with Ithaca's next class of physical therapy students.
"It's nice to promote my field and bring new people in," he said. "It puts everything I do into perspective ... keeping soldiers in the fight."
(Capt. Constance Quinlan is assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division's 4th Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office.)
Special to American Forces Press Service
April 18, 2008 - Army Capt. Chris Remillard took hometown recruiting to a whole new level when he gave a live guest lecture to students at Ithaca College in New York, from this base in Iraq. Remillard, a 2004 Ithaca College alumnus, spoke to the students April 2 and shared his experiences serving in the Army. He is a physical therapist assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division's Company C, 703rd Brigade Support Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team.
A month before his guest lecture, Remillard received an invitation from a former Vietnam-era Army physical therapist, Dr. Michael Pagliarulo, chair of the Ithaca College Physical Therapy Department. Pagliarulo asked the 2004 graduate to speak to his class about the unique opportunities afforded physical therapists in the Army.
"A civilian PT can't order things like X-Rays, bone scans, MRIs. He has to send patients back to a primary care doctor. Not only can I order tests, I can prescribe medicine and refer soldiers to other specialists," said Remillard, a native of Syracuse, N.Y. "It's really designed to expedite the process for soldiers, especially in this type of environment."
Remillard was commissioned into the Medical Service Corps through the Cornell University Reserve Officer Training Corps program in 2004 with a degree in physical therapy from Ithaca College.
Several students expressed interest in joining the ROTC after the hour-long question and answer session, attended by roughly 40 students and faculty members.
Remillard has already made plans to conduct another session with Ithaca's next class of physical therapy students.
"It's nice to promote my field and bring new people in," he said. "It puts everything I do into perspective ... keeping soldiers in the fight."
(Capt. Constance Quinlan is assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division's 4th Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office.)
ITT Industries, Inc. is receiving a restructured IDIQ production contract with a contract maximum of $312,000,000, firm-fixed price and cost, for the suite of integrated radio frequency countermeasures in support of U. S. Special Operations Command, Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne). The work will be performed primarily at ITT in Clifton, N.J., and is expected to be completed by Oct. 31, 2012. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract restructure was awarded under Authority 10 U.S.C. 2304 (c) (1), only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. The solicitation was posted electronically on FedBizOps and no other offers were received. The contract number is H92241-06-D-0001.
Insitu Group, Inc., of Bingen, Washington, is being awarded a firm-fixed price contract with a not-to-exceed value of 23,953,000 for unmanned aircraft system information gathering, target surveillance, and reconnaissance services in support of U.S. Special Operations Command. The work will be performed in Bingen and three other locations using O&M fiscal year 2008 funds. The contract number is H92222-08-C-0022.
Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems of Marietta, Ga., is being awarded a firm fixed price contract for $127,202,565. This contract modification is an Undefinitized Contract Action (UCA) for Lot 1, material/fabrication, initial spares and lot 2 advance procurement for the C-5M Reliability Enhancement and Re-engining Program (RERP). At this time $127,202,565 has been obligated. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8625-07-C-6471, P00003).
Lockheed Martin Corporation, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics of Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a modified contract for $31,480,000. This action will the procurement of non-recurring engineering activity for aircraft production program changes at a not-to-exceed price of $31,480,000 for the Peace Drive I (Pakistan) program for foreign military sales F-16 Block 52M aircraft. At this time $15,740,000 has been obligated. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8615-07-C-6031, P00005).
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., of Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a modified firm fixed price contract for $27,000,000. This action will provide the procurement of non-recurring engineering activity for developmental support equipment and country standard technical order at a not-to-exceed price of 27,000,000 for the peace Drive I (Pakistan) Program for foreign military sales F-16 Block 52M aircraft. At this time $13,500,000 has been obligated. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8615-07-C-6031, P00004).
Raytheon Co., Intelligence and Information Systems of Omaha, Neb., is being awarded a modified cost plus incentive fee contract for $23,096,392. This action provide for Joint Environment Toolkit Hardware/Software Fielding to STRATCOM, 26th Operational Weather Squadron (OWS), 25th OWS, 15th OWS, 17th OWS, 21 OWS, 28 OWS, Air Operations Command (AOC) and Site Surveys. At this time $8,596,128 has been obligated. Hanscom AFB, Mass., is the contracting activity (FA8720-04-C-0015 P00018).
Teksouth Corp., of Gardendale, Ala., is being awarded a contract for $17,199,961. This action will provide information technology services for the operations, sustainment, and refinement of the Commanders' Resource Integration System (CRIS). CRIS facilities decision making within the Air Force by providing visibility into worldwide supply and financial execution (to the individual transaction level) on a new real-time basis. CRIS is hosted on a cross-functional relational data warehouse and focuses on SAF, HAF, command level and base-level Financial Management (FM), Directorate of Operations (DO), and Directorate of Logistics (LG) reporting functions. A system configuration has been established that integrates Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) software components (e.g., Microsoft SQL Server) with custom applications. At this time $700,000 has been obligated. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8770-08-C-0002).
Wyle Laboratories, Inc., of Huntsville, Ala., is being awarded a contract for $9,590,327 With this contract action, the Reliability Information Analysis Center will implement and sustain a reliability -centered maintenance and risk assessment program to evaluate the reliability and maintainability of selected F-15 systems/subsystems/support equipment. At this time $1,159,420 has been obligated. Offutt AFB, Neb., is the contracting activity (HC1047-05-D-4005, Delivery Order 0068).
Archer Western Contractors and LTD/Butt Construction Co., Inc., Chicago, Ill. was awarded on Apr. 16, 2008, a $172,419,000 firm-fixed price contract for the design and construction of a BRAC Human Performance Wing complex. Work will be performed at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and is expected to be completed by Jan. 15, 2011. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Web bids were solicited on Oct. 3, 2007, and three bids were received. Corps of Engineers, Louisville, Ky., is the contracting activity (W912QR-08-C-0014).
Bristol Environmental & Engineering Services Corp., Anchorage, Ala., was awarded on Apr. 16, 2008, a $14,163,496 firm-fixed price contract for the design and construction of F22 Infrastructure Phase II and F22 taxiway, taxilanes, and arm-de-arm. Work will be performed at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Ala., and is expected to be completed by Oct. 30, 2009. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Web bids were solicited on Nov. 8, 2007, and three bids were received. U.S. Army Engineer District, Ala., is the contracting activity (W911KB-08-C-0007).
Raytheon Co., AMDS, Andover, Mass., was awarded on Apr. 16, 2008, a $13,171,464 firm-fixed price contract for SWEEP VII modification kits and spares. Work will be performed at Andover, Mass., and is expected to be completed by Jun. 30, 2010. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. One bid was solicited on Jul. 30, 2007. U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala., is the contracting activity (W31P4Q-08-C-0247).
Nakaya Construction, LLC, Bountiful, Utah, was awarded on Apr. 16, 2008, a $7,407,983 firm-fixed price contract for the design and construction of an addition and alteration to a hydraulic flight control facility. Work will be performed at Hill Air Force Base, Utah and is expected to be completed on Oct. 31, 2009. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Web bids were solicited on Aug. 23, 2007, and two bids were received. U.S. Army Engineer District, Sacramento, Calif., is the contracting activity (W91238-08-C-0005).
Tiber Creek Consulting, Inc., Vienna, Va., was awarded on Apr. 16, 2008, a $7,320,691 delivery order contract for the procurement of a performance-based contract to provide the personnel support for the Reserve Component Manpower Systems suite of applications. Work will be performed in Arlington, Va., and is expected to be completed on Apr. 16, 2013. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Web bids were solicited on Dec. 31, 2007, and two bids were received. National Guard Bureau, Arlington, Va., is the contracting activity (W9133L-08-F-0060).
River Trading Co., LLC, Cincinnati, Ohio*, is being awarded a maximum $11,964,752 firm fixed price, service funded contract for delivery of coal. Other locations of performance are in West Va. Using services are Army and Air Force. There were originally 160 proposals solicited with two responses. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Date of performance completion is May 31, 2009. The contracting activity is Defense Energy Support Center, Fort Belvoir, Va., (SP0600-08-D-0653).
DeRossi & Son Co., Vineland, N.J.*, is being awarded a maximum $6,537,353 firm fixed price, indefinite quantity, total set-aside contract for man's poly/wool coats. There are no other locations of performance. Using service is Army. The original proposal was solicited on FedBizOpps with five responses. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Date of performance completion is Apr. 30, 2009. The contracting activity is Defense Supply Center Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. (SP0100-05-C-0449).
ITT Industries, Inc. is receiving a restructured IDIQ production contract with a contract maximum of $312,000,000, firm-fixed price and cost, for the suite of integrated radio frequency countermeasures in support of U. S. Special Operations Command, Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne). The work will be performed primarily at ITT in Clifton, N.J., and is expected to be completed by Oct. 31, 2012. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract restructure was awarded under Authority 10 U.S.C. 2304 (c) (1), only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. The solicitation was posted electronically on FedBizOps and no other offers were received. The contract number is H92241-06-D-0001.
Insitu Group, Inc., of Bingen, Washington, is being awarded a firm-fixed price contract with a not-to-exceed value of 23,953,000 for unmanned aircraft system information gathering, target surveillance, and reconnaissance services in support of U.S. Special Operations Command. The work will be performed in Bingen and three other locations using O&M fiscal year 2008 funds. The contract number is H92222-08-C-0022.
Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems of Marietta, Ga., is being awarded a firm fixed price contract for $127,202,565. This contract modification is an Undefinitized Contract Action (UCA) for Lot 1, material/fabrication, initial spares and lot 2 advance procurement for the C-5M Reliability Enhancement and Re-engining Program (RERP). At this time $127,202,565 has been obligated. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8625-07-C-6471, P00003).
Lockheed Martin Corporation, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics of Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a modified contract for $31,480,000. This action will the procurement of non-recurring engineering activity for aircraft production program changes at a not-to-exceed price of $31,480,000 for the Peace Drive I (Pakistan) program for foreign military sales F-16 Block 52M aircraft. At this time $15,740,000 has been obligated. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8615-07-C-6031, P00005).
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., of Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a modified firm fixed price contract for $27,000,000. This action will provide the procurement of non-recurring engineering activity for developmental support equipment and country standard technical order at a not-to-exceed price of 27,000,000 for the peace Drive I (Pakistan) Program for foreign military sales F-16 Block 52M aircraft. At this time $13,500,000 has been obligated. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8615-07-C-6031, P00004).
Raytheon Co., Intelligence and Information Systems of Omaha, Neb., is being awarded a modified cost plus incentive fee contract for $23,096,392. This action provide for Joint Environment Toolkit Hardware/Software Fielding to STRATCOM, 26th Operational Weather Squadron (OWS), 25th OWS, 15th OWS, 17th OWS, 21 OWS, 28 OWS, Air Operations Command (AOC) and Site Surveys. At this time $8,596,128 has been obligated. Hanscom AFB, Mass., is the contracting activity (FA8720-04-C-0015 P00018).
Teksouth Corp., of Gardendale, Ala., is being awarded a contract for $17,199,961. This action will provide information technology services for the operations, sustainment, and refinement of the Commanders' Resource Integration System (CRIS). CRIS facilities decision making within the Air Force by providing visibility into worldwide supply and financial execution (to the individual transaction level) on a new real-time basis. CRIS is hosted on a cross-functional relational data warehouse and focuses on SAF, HAF, command level and base-level Financial Management (FM), Directorate of Operations (DO), and Directorate of Logistics (LG) reporting functions. A system configuration has been established that integrates Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) software components (e.g., Microsoft SQL Server) with custom applications. At this time $700,000 has been obligated. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8770-08-C-0002).
Wyle Laboratories, Inc., of Huntsville, Ala., is being awarded a contract for $9,590,327 With this contract action, the Reliability Information Analysis Center will implement and sustain a reliability -centered maintenance and risk assessment program to evaluate the reliability and maintainability of selected F-15 systems/subsystems/support equipment. At this time $1,159,420 has been obligated. Offutt AFB, Neb., is the contracting activity (HC1047-05-D-4005, Delivery Order 0068).
Archer Western Contractors and LTD/Butt Construction Co., Inc., Chicago, Ill. was awarded on Apr. 16, 2008, a $172,419,000 firm-fixed price contract for the design and construction of a BRAC Human Performance Wing complex. Work will be performed at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and is expected to be completed by Jan. 15, 2011. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Web bids were solicited on Oct. 3, 2007, and three bids were received. Corps of Engineers, Louisville, Ky., is the contracting activity (W912QR-08-C-0014).
Bristol Environmental & Engineering Services Corp., Anchorage, Ala., was awarded on Apr. 16, 2008, a $14,163,496 firm-fixed price contract for the design and construction of F22 Infrastructure Phase II and F22 taxiway, taxilanes, and arm-de-arm. Work will be performed at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Ala., and is expected to be completed by Oct. 30, 2009. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Web bids were solicited on Nov. 8, 2007, and three bids were received. U.S. Army Engineer District, Ala., is the contracting activity (W911KB-08-C-0007).
Raytheon Co., AMDS, Andover, Mass., was awarded on Apr. 16, 2008, a $13,171,464 firm-fixed price contract for SWEEP VII modification kits and spares. Work will be performed at Andover, Mass., and is expected to be completed by Jun. 30, 2010. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. One bid was solicited on Jul. 30, 2007. U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala., is the contracting activity (W31P4Q-08-C-0247).
Nakaya Construction, LLC, Bountiful, Utah, was awarded on Apr. 16, 2008, a $7,407,983 firm-fixed price contract for the design and construction of an addition and alteration to a hydraulic flight control facility. Work will be performed at Hill Air Force Base, Utah and is expected to be completed on Oct. 31, 2009. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Web bids were solicited on Aug. 23, 2007, and two bids were received. U.S. Army Engineer District, Sacramento, Calif., is the contracting activity (W91238-08-C-0005).
Tiber Creek Consulting, Inc., Vienna, Va., was awarded on Apr. 16, 2008, a $7,320,691 delivery order contract for the procurement of a performance-based contract to provide the personnel support for the Reserve Component Manpower Systems suite of applications. Work will be performed in Arlington, Va., and is expected to be completed on Apr. 16, 2013. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Web bids were solicited on Dec. 31, 2007, and two bids were received. National Guard Bureau, Arlington, Va., is the contracting activity (W9133L-08-F-0060).
River Trading Co., LLC, Cincinnati, Ohio*, is being awarded a maximum $11,964,752 firm fixed price, service funded contract for delivery of coal. Other locations of performance are in West Va. Using services are Army and Air Force. There were originally 160 proposals solicited with two responses. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Date of performance completion is May 31, 2009. The contracting activity is Defense Energy Support Center, Fort Belvoir, Va., (SP0600-08-D-0653).
DeRossi & Son Co., Vineland, N.J.*, is being awarded a maximum $6,537,353 firm fixed price, indefinite quantity, total set-aside contract for man's poly/wool coats. There are no other locations of performance. Using service is Army. The original proposal was solicited on FedBizOpps with five responses. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Date of performance completion is Apr. 30, 2009. The contracting activity is Defense Supply Center Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. (SP0100-05-C-0449).
Gates Salutes Fallon for "Unparalleled" Energy
By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service
April 18, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates praised Navy Adm. William J. Fallon during his retirement ceremony today for bringing "unparalleled energy, ideas and diplomatic skill" to U.S. Central Command and for 41 years of service that has left the United States stronger and safer. Fallon, who assumed command of CentCom in March 2007, concluded his career under brilliant blue skies at Naval Station Norfolk, Va., aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt. The setting held special significance for Fallon, who commanded a carrier air wing aboard the Roosevelt during the Gulf War, and commanded the Theodore Roosevelt battle group in 1995 as it supported NATO operations in Bosnia.
Gates said he knew he was getting one of the military's most experienced senior officers and one of its best strategic minds when he recruited Fallon from U.S. Pacific Command to focus on one of the world's most complex regions in CentCom.
Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Fallon's steadiness as "a guy who can rely on to stay calm and collected when all around you, people are losing their heads" brought strength to those who served with and under him in both war and peace.
"You can count on him when minutes and seconds count," Mullen said.
Mullen pointed to Fallon's leadership strengths: dependability, honesty, steadfastness and sincerity. Fallon was someone people trusted, he said, who "makes decisions and stands by them the way he stands by his people."
Gates said there's no doubt that this blend of professional experience and personal strength brought special capability to CentCom. "There can be no doubt how much we have benefited from his leadership at Central Command during the last year," he said.
The secretary cited progress on several fronts. "We are all familiar with the tremendous progress that has been made in Iraq,' he said, calling Fallon "a valued voice" in ensuring those gains aren't lost. "He has advised the president and me, and I can tell you that his suggestions, his thoughts, his candor have been valued and critical in determining the way forward," Gates said.
Afghanistan, too, has seen successes in the last year during Fallon's command, the secretary said. "Our military is working more closely with our partners than at any time in the past," he said. "The Taliban has been rolled back. We are applying a coordinated and ever-more-effective strategy that focuses on the non-military aspects of the fight."
But beyond Iraq and Afghanistan, Gates said the Middle East as a whole has benefitted from Fallon's leadership."He has applied the same strategic thinking and diplomatic skills in the Middle East that he did in the Pacific," he said.
Gates noted that Fallon was the highest-ranking officer and in more than a decade and the first Centcom commander to visit Lebanon. "We can see the results in the increasing willingness of nations of the region to extend diplomatic support to Iraq, and to work together to confront shared threats through initiatives like the Gulf Security Dialogue."
Beyond his service within CentCom, Fallon's four decades of service have "advanced America's interests and helped defend our nation and our liberty," he said.
The secretary thanked Fallon for his inspiration and example. "Those who had the opportunity to work under you and with you will now carry forward in their critical work with your example firmly in their minds," he said.
Fallon said he's grateful to have had the opportunity to "get something done and make a difference in this world." He said he's "very confident in the future" and inspired by the quality and dedication of the men and women serving the country in uniform.
Gates thanked Fallon's family, especially his wife Mary, for their service and wished them fair winds and following seas as they begin their next life journey. "I, and many others, will truly miss you," he said.
Fallon succeeded Army Gen. John Abizaid as CentCom commander on March 16, 2007. The admiral resigned from the position last month after a magazine article implied that he opposed some U.S. policies in the Middle East. Gates downplayed differences between Fallon's and the administration's policies, and told reporters he had accepted Fallon's resignation "with reluctance and regret."
Army Lt. Gen. Martin E. Dempsey became acting CentCom chief during a March 28 relinquishment-of-command ceremony at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla.
American Forces Press Service
April 18, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates praised Navy Adm. William J. Fallon during his retirement ceremony today for bringing "unparalleled energy, ideas and diplomatic skill" to U.S. Central Command and for 41 years of service that has left the United States stronger and safer. Fallon, who assumed command of CentCom in March 2007, concluded his career under brilliant blue skies at Naval Station Norfolk, Va., aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt. The setting held special significance for Fallon, who commanded a carrier air wing aboard the Roosevelt during the Gulf War, and commanded the Theodore Roosevelt battle group in 1995 as it supported NATO operations in Bosnia.
Gates said he knew he was getting one of the military's most experienced senior officers and one of its best strategic minds when he recruited Fallon from U.S. Pacific Command to focus on one of the world's most complex regions in CentCom.
Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Fallon's steadiness as "a guy who can rely on to stay calm and collected when all around you, people are losing their heads" brought strength to those who served with and under him in both war and peace.
"You can count on him when minutes and seconds count," Mullen said.
Mullen pointed to Fallon's leadership strengths: dependability, honesty, steadfastness and sincerity. Fallon was someone people trusted, he said, who "makes decisions and stands by them the way he stands by his people."
Gates said there's no doubt that this blend of professional experience and personal strength brought special capability to CentCom. "There can be no doubt how much we have benefited from his leadership at Central Command during the last year," he said.
The secretary cited progress on several fronts. "We are all familiar with the tremendous progress that has been made in Iraq,' he said, calling Fallon "a valued voice" in ensuring those gains aren't lost. "He has advised the president and me, and I can tell you that his suggestions, his thoughts, his candor have been valued and critical in determining the way forward," Gates said.
Afghanistan, too, has seen successes in the last year during Fallon's command, the secretary said. "Our military is working more closely with our partners than at any time in the past," he said. "The Taliban has been rolled back. We are applying a coordinated and ever-more-effective strategy that focuses on the non-military aspects of the fight."
But beyond Iraq and Afghanistan, Gates said the Middle East as a whole has benefitted from Fallon's leadership."He has applied the same strategic thinking and diplomatic skills in the Middle East that he did in the Pacific," he said.
Gates noted that Fallon was the highest-ranking officer and in more than a decade and the first Centcom commander to visit Lebanon. "We can see the results in the increasing willingness of nations of the region to extend diplomatic support to Iraq, and to work together to confront shared threats through initiatives like the Gulf Security Dialogue."
Beyond his service within CentCom, Fallon's four decades of service have "advanced America's interests and helped defend our nation and our liberty," he said.
The secretary thanked Fallon for his inspiration and example. "Those who had the opportunity to work under you and with you will now carry forward in their critical work with your example firmly in their minds," he said.
Fallon said he's grateful to have had the opportunity to "get something done and make a difference in this world." He said he's "very confident in the future" and inspired by the quality and dedication of the men and women serving the country in uniform.
Gates thanked Fallon's family, especially his wife Mary, for their service and wished them fair winds and following seas as they begin their next life journey. "I, and many others, will truly miss you," he said.
Fallon succeeded Army Gen. John Abizaid as CentCom commander on March 16, 2007. The admiral resigned from the position last month after a magazine article implied that he opposed some U.S. policies in the Middle East. Gates downplayed differences between Fallon's and the administration's policies, and told reporters he had accepted Fallon's resignation "with reluctance and regret."
Army Lt. Gen. Martin E. Dempsey became acting CentCom chief during a March 28 relinquishment-of-command ceremony at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla.
America Supports You: Texas Festivities Celebrate American Heroes
American Forces Press Service
April 18, 2008 - People who couldn't attend a day-long celebration of those who serve in the military here last week could still enjoy the sounds thanks to and Internet music and video site. The online music and entertainment site SyncLive made the festivities available via a live Web cast when the Fort Hood community came together April 11 to honor about 80,000 servicemembers and Defense Department civilians during a "Salute to Our Heroes" celebration.
The celebration featured live music, but troops didn't have to be on Fort Hood to enjoy the sounds. The artists who performed during the event included FOSTERCHILD, Framing Hanley, Grupo Mania, Lyfe Jennings, Maren Morris, Jennifer Pena, Kritickill, Mark Chesnutt, Mylin, Rissi Palmer, Tantric and Wild Horses.
Metal Sanaz, who participated in a similar event held in Kuwait in March, was one of the special guests.
The free Web cast made it possible for troops, including the Fort Hood-based Army 4th Infantry Division and 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, to participate no matter where they are in the world.
"We are excited about the opportunity to salute our troops and present soldiers, families and music fans with a platform where they can experience great music and interact with one another live online," said Aric Berquist, CEO and Founder of SyncLive.
Editor's Note: To find out about more individuals, groups and organizations that are helping support the troops, visit America Supports You directly connects military members to the support of the America people and offers a tool to the general public in their quest to find meaningful ways to support the military community.
(From a SyncLive news release.)
April 18, 2008 - People who couldn't attend a day-long celebration of those who serve in the military here last week could still enjoy the sounds thanks to and Internet music and video site. The online music and entertainment site SyncLive made the festivities available via a live Web cast when the Fort Hood community came together April 11 to honor about 80,000 servicemembers and Defense Department civilians during a "Salute to Our Heroes" celebration.
The celebration featured live music, but troops didn't have to be on Fort Hood to enjoy the sounds. The artists who performed during the event included FOSTERCHILD, Framing Hanley, Grupo Mania, Lyfe Jennings, Maren Morris, Jennifer Pena, Kritickill, Mark Chesnutt, Mylin, Rissi Palmer, Tantric and Wild Horses.
Metal Sanaz, who participated in a similar event held in Kuwait in March, was one of the special guests.
The free Web cast made it possible for troops, including the Fort Hood-based Army 4th Infantry Division and 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, to participate no matter where they are in the world.
"We are excited about the opportunity to salute our troops and present soldiers, families and music fans with a platform where they can experience great music and interact with one another live online," said Aric Berquist, CEO and Founder of SyncLive.
Editor's Note: To find out about more individuals, groups and organizations that are helping support the troops, visit America Supports You directly connects military members to the support of the America people and offers a tool to the general public in their quest to find meaningful ways to support the military community.
(From a SyncLive news release.)
Bush: U.S. Will Maintain Troop Levels in Korea
By John J. Kruzel
American Forces Press Service
April 20, 2008 - The United States will keep its current number of troops -- roughly 28,000 -- deployed to the Republic of Korea, President Bush said yesterday. During a joint news conference with his South Korean counterpart President Lee Myung-Bak, Bush said the two leaders constantly assess the need for U.S. forces on the Korean Peninsula, and both agree on the necessity of maintaining present levels there.
"We reached an agreement to maintain the current U.S. troop level on the peninsula. This is a mutual agreement that benefits both our nations and will strengthen our alliance," Bush told reporters at Camp David.
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and South Korean Defense Minister Lee Sang-Hee will coordinate the implementation of U.S. forces, the president said.
On this first-ever visit by a Korean head of state to the presidential retreat, Bush thanked Lee for South Korea's military commitment in the Middle East.
"We're also thankful for the Koreans' contributions to young democracies, whether it be Afghanistan or Iraq or Lebanon," Bush said. "And we want to thank you and your people, Mr. President, for those sacrifices."
During closed-door talks before the news conference, the leaders also discussed South Korea's request to upgrade its foreign military sales status. The Foreign Military Sales program is the government-to-government method for selling U.S. defense equipment, services and training, according to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency Web site.
"Korea has asked to upgrade its foreign military sales status with the United States and to have the same access to U.S. military technologies as NATO and other key allies, and I strongly support this request and have instructed Secretaries Rice and Gates to work with the Congress to get this done," Bush said, referring to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
The U.S. and South Korea are working alongside China, Russia and Japan to press the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program, Bush said. These six-party talks have resulted in North Korea beginning to disable plutonium production facilities at Yongbyon, Bush added.
"And now North Korea must fulfill its other obligations: provide a full declaration of its nuclear programs and proliferation activities in a verifiable way," the president said.
President Lee said South Korea and the U.S. do not "harbor hostile intent" towards North Korea, but rather seek to promote multilateral dialogue.
"I'm very happy with the results of today's meeting, and we will work very closely together to see the complete dismantlement of the nuclear weapons program of North Korea, and we will work closely within the six-party talks framework," Lee said.
American Forces Press Service
April 20, 2008 - The United States will keep its current number of troops -- roughly 28,000 -- deployed to the Republic of Korea, President Bush said yesterday. During a joint news conference with his South Korean counterpart President Lee Myung-Bak, Bush said the two leaders constantly assess the need for U.S. forces on the Korean Peninsula, and both agree on the necessity of maintaining present levels there.
"We reached an agreement to maintain the current U.S. troop level on the peninsula. This is a mutual agreement that benefits both our nations and will strengthen our alliance," Bush told reporters at Camp David.
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and South Korean Defense Minister Lee Sang-Hee will coordinate the implementation of U.S. forces, the president said.
On this first-ever visit by a Korean head of state to the presidential retreat, Bush thanked Lee for South Korea's military commitment in the Middle East.
"We're also thankful for the Koreans' contributions to young democracies, whether it be Afghanistan or Iraq or Lebanon," Bush said. "And we want to thank you and your people, Mr. President, for those sacrifices."
During closed-door talks before the news conference, the leaders also discussed South Korea's request to upgrade its foreign military sales status. The Foreign Military Sales program is the government-to-government method for selling U.S. defense equipment, services and training, according to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency Web site.
"Korea has asked to upgrade its foreign military sales status with the United States and to have the same access to U.S. military technologies as NATO and other key allies, and I strongly support this request and have instructed Secretaries Rice and Gates to work with the Congress to get this done," Bush said, referring to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
The U.S. and South Korea are working alongside China, Russia and Japan to press the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program, Bush said. These six-party talks have resulted in North Korea beginning to disable plutonium production facilities at Yongbyon, Bush added.
"And now North Korea must fulfill its other obligations: provide a full declaration of its nuclear programs and proliferation activities in a verifiable way," the president said.
President Lee said South Korea and the U.S. do not "harbor hostile intent" towards North Korea, but rather seek to promote multilateral dialogue.
"I'm very happy with the results of today's meeting, and we will work very closely together to see the complete dismantlement of the nuclear weapons program of North Korea, and we will work closely within the six-party talks framework," Lee said.